Я точно так же читала "Ночных наблюдателей". Пока все пять вышедших книг + бонусную не прочитала - не успокоилась.
И, да. У меня в процессе прочтения возникло забавное ощущение, что Линн в свое время любила книжки про Страну Оз и, в частности, историю принцессы Озмы.
Ну, сами посудите, в ее Тамирской Трилогии, чтобы защитить новорожденную принцессу от его злого дяди, который непременно убил бы ее, - ей придают облик мальчика.
Но трилогия, как и цикл "Ночные наблюдатели", просто великолепна.
В тему книги хочется поделиться нагло стыренной со страницы Линн Флевеллинг музыкой.
И так, включаем - наслаждаемся~
Voices (Prologue)
The wind is carrying voices, tonight.
Voices, I once knew.
The moon goes on rising, the stars still shine brightly
Lives vanish, like sea-spray and dew.
When the faces are forgotten and the bodies long gone,
Somewhere in the silence,
The voices sound on...
Yes, I do remember you, still...
I do remember you, still.
I remember the voice of a wizard
And the dark, earthy voice, of a witch.
They were talking weird, about foretold queens
And dead children and bodies to switch.
Then I hear a mother weeping,
Cradling a boy-child, that's silent and cold
And another child, who is begging for love,
But whom she'd never hold.
The voice of a boy, I remember,
That echoed in empty halls.
It always sounded frightened and lonely
Imprisoned by far too thick walls.
The wind is carrying voices, tonight.
Voices, I once knew.
The moon goes on rising, the stars still shine brightly
Lives vanish, like sea-spray and dew.
When the faces are forgotten and the bodies long gone,
Somewhere in the silence,
The voices sound on...
Yes, I do remember you, still...
I do remember you, still.
And then, there's another boy laughing,
One with dark and friendly eyes.
Two boys, becoming friends for life
Against fear, intrigues and lies.
The king's voice sounded angry.
He wasn't too fond of his heir.
The prince instead seemed desperate
For his will nobody did care.
The wife, he had chosen, had died far too soon
And oh, he had loved her so much.
The sad one, locked in the tower
He'd bed, but not willingly touch.
The wind is carrying voices, tonight.
Voices, I once knew.
The moon goes on rising, the stars still shine brightly
Lives vanish, like sea-spray and dew.
When the faces are forgotten and the bodies long gone,
Somewhere in the silence,
The voices sound on...
Yes, I do remember you, still...
I do remember you, still.
And suddenly, everyone's cheering
At the wedding of the queen.
And dark blue eyes drown in brown ones
Shining brighter, than ever seen.
Yes friends and foes and cruel wizards,
Their voices are whispering still.
Up here on the cliffs of Rhiminee,
I guess they always will.
Be still, my friend! Listen closely,
As the voices unite in a song,
That sings of love and loss and the wonder of life
And calls you to sing along.
The wind is carrying voices, tonight.
Voices, I once knew.
The moon goes on rising, the stars still shine brightly
Lives vanish, like sea-spray and dew.
When the faces are forgotten and the bodies long gone,
Somewhere in the silence,
The voices sound on...
Yes, I do remember you, still...
I do remember you, still.
The wind is carrying voices, tonight.
Voices, I once knew.
The moon goes on rising, the stars still shine brightly
Lives vanish, like sea-spray and dew.
When the faces are forgotten and the bodies long gone,
Somewhere in the silence,
The voices sound on...
Yes, I do remember you, still...
I do remember you, still.
I remember the voice of a wizard
And the dark, earthy voice, of a witch.
They were talking weird, about foretold queens
And dead children and bodies to switch.
Then I hear a mother weeping,
Cradling a boy-child, that's silent and cold
And another child, who is begging for love,
But whom she'd never hold.
The voice of a boy, I remember,
That echoed in empty halls.
It always sounded frightened and lonely
Imprisoned by far too thick walls.
The wind is carrying voices, tonight.
Voices, I once knew.
The moon goes on rising, the stars still shine brightly
Lives vanish, like sea-spray and dew.
When the faces are forgotten and the bodies long gone,
Somewhere in the silence,
The voices sound on...
Yes, I do remember you, still...
I do remember you, still.
And then, there's another boy laughing,
One with dark and friendly eyes.
Two boys, becoming friends for life
Against fear, intrigues and lies.
The king's voice sounded angry.
He wasn't too fond of his heir.
The prince instead seemed desperate
For his will nobody did care.
The wife, he had chosen, had died far too soon
And oh, he had loved her so much.
The sad one, locked in the tower
He'd bed, but not willingly touch.
The wind is carrying voices, tonight.
Voices, I once knew.
The moon goes on rising, the stars still shine brightly
Lives vanish, like sea-spray and dew.
When the faces are forgotten and the bodies long gone,
Somewhere in the silence,
The voices sound on...
Yes, I do remember you, still...
I do remember you, still.
And suddenly, everyone's cheering
At the wedding of the queen.
And dark blue eyes drown in brown ones
Shining brighter, than ever seen.
Yes friends and foes and cruel wizards,
Their voices are whispering still.
Up here on the cliffs of Rhiminee,
I guess they always will.
Be still, my friend! Listen closely,
As the voices unite in a song,
That sings of love and loss and the wonder of life
And calls you to sing along.
The wind is carrying voices, tonight.
Voices, I once knew.
The moon goes on rising, the stars still shine brightly
Lives vanish, like sea-spray and dew.
When the faces are forgotten and the bodies long gone,
Somewhere in the silence,
The voices sound on...
Yes, I do remember you, still...
I do remember you, still.
Ariani: Lullaby for a Dead Child
Lullaby for a Dead Child
I sing a lullaby against the night
I sing a lullaby to you, my child
I'd sing a lullaby
I can't rock you to sleep,
But I can...can hear you weep.
I'd sing a lullaby against the cold
I tell you all the tales, that remained untold
I sing a lullaby
Watch my life pass me by
While I hear my dead child cry.
My hands, that used to be so white
Are dirty; soaked with mud.
I've dug your broken body out
I'm now befouled with blood
Bridge I:
Blood of the innocent
Blood of my son
Blood of the innocent
My only one
I sing a lullaby against the night
I sing a lullaby to you, my child
I'd sing a lullaby
I can't rock you to sleep,
But I can...can hear you weep.
I'd sing a lullaby against the cold
I tell you all the tales, that remained untold
I sing a lullaby
Watch my life pass me by
While I hear my dead child cry.
My voice, that used to be so sweet
Is muted now and still.
It is my soul, that hums a song
To the child they dared to kill.
Bridge I:
Blood of the innocent
Blood of my son
Blood of the innocent
My only one
I sing a lullaby against the night
I sing a lullaby to you, my child
I'd sing a lullaby
I can't rock you to sleep,
But I can...can hear you weep.
I'd sing a lullaby against the cold
I tell you all the tales, that remained untold
I sing a lullaby
Watch my life pass me by
While I hear my dead child cry.
Bridge II:
My feet, that used to walk the floors
Will never leave this tower
I pray, that guilt will haunt the murderers
Til their dying hour
I'll be the guardian my son
For whom you didn't care
And darkness will seem light against him,
mad Agnalain's heir!
And let it be their blood
That will be spilled
So let their corpses rot
Let them be killed
I sing a lullaby against the night
I sing a lullaby to you, my child
I'd sing a lullaby
I can't rock you to sleep,
But I can...can hear you weep.
I'd sing a lullaby against the cold
I tell you all the tales, that remained untold
I sing a lullaby
Watch my life pass me by
While I hear my dead child cry.
I sing a lullaby against the night
I sing a lullaby to you, my child
I'd sing a lullaby
I can't rock you to sleep,
But I can...can hear you weep.
I'd sing a lullaby against the cold
I tell you all the tales, that remained untold
I sing a lullaby
Watch my life pass me by
While I hear my dead child cry.
My hands, that used to be so white
Are dirty; soaked with mud.
I've dug your broken body out
I'm now befouled with blood
Bridge I:
Blood of the innocent
Blood of my son
Blood of the innocent
My only one
I sing a lullaby against the night
I sing a lullaby to you, my child
I'd sing a lullaby
I can't rock you to sleep,
But I can...can hear you weep.
I'd sing a lullaby against the cold
I tell you all the tales, that remained untold
I sing a lullaby
Watch my life pass me by
While I hear my dead child cry.
My voice, that used to be so sweet
Is muted now and still.
It is my soul, that hums a song
To the child they dared to kill.
Bridge I:
Blood of the innocent
Blood of my son
Blood of the innocent
My only one
I sing a lullaby against the night
I sing a lullaby to you, my child
I'd sing a lullaby
I can't rock you to sleep,
But I can...can hear you weep.
I'd sing a lullaby against the cold
I tell you all the tales, that remained untold
I sing a lullaby
Watch my life pass me by
While I hear my dead child cry.
Bridge II:
My feet, that used to walk the floors
Will never leave this tower
I pray, that guilt will haunt the murderers
Til their dying hour
I'll be the guardian my son
For whom you didn't care
And darkness will seem light against him,
mad Agnalain's heir!
And let it be their blood
That will be spilled
So let their corpses rot
Let them be killed
I sing a lullaby against the night
I sing a lullaby to you, my child
I'd sing a lullaby
I can't rock you to sleep,
But I can...can hear you weep.
I'd sing a lullaby against the cold
I tell you all the tales, that remained untold
I sing a lullaby
Watch my life pass me by
While I hear my dead child cry.
Ahra: Sakor's Flame
Sakor's Flame
When my mom tried to teach me sewing
She c'd'have easily been killed
And my fate to join the kitchen-girls
Has never been fulfilled.
I never cared for dresses
And was never shy and kind.
And finally my father sighed:
Yours is a warrior's mind.
I was raised with lots of brothers
But some sisters were there, too
And the girls were never tired giggling:
"What is wrong with you?"
When my brothers started teasing me
About the path I chose,
I stopped the mocking quickly-
Broke my oldest brother's nose.
Maybe I'll never settle down
Maybe I'll never rest.
But believe me- that's the life I want:
The freest and the best!
I never looked for peace
as if I had known from the start:
Yeah, I'm a girl a that's god touched!
Sakor's flame burns in my heart!
My Mom grew really anxious,
For a man, I'd never find!
To a girl with manners like I had
No gent would ever bind!
You're too boyish and plainspoken
Much too wild and far too loud!
Won't you put that skirt on, Ahra?
Comb your hair! Make mother proud!
Women shall not fight, you say
But for your warrior queen you pray?
Not all of us are fragile
And we're smarter anyway!
My blood is pure adrenalin
When to battle I can ride.
Before I fade to ashes,
I'm determined to burn bright
Maybe I'll never settle down
Maybe I'll never rest.
But believe me--that's the life I want:
The freest and the best!
I never looked for peace
as if I had known from the start:
Yeah, I'm a girl a that's god touched!
Sakor's flame burns in my heart!
And when my promised queen arrives,
My battle cry will yell
Bilairy's Balls, I'll follow her
To heaven or to hell.
I have no fear of being hurt
I'll fight 'til my last breath
I'm gonna answer Sakors call
To glory and to death!
Maybe I'll never settle down
Maybe I'll never rest.
But believe me--that's the life I want:
The freest and the best!
I never looked for peace as if I had known from the start:
Yeah, I'm a girl a that's god touched!
Sakor's flame burns in my heart!
When my mom tried to teach me sewing
She c'd'have easily been killed
And my fate to join the kitchen-girls
Has never been fulfilled.
I never cared for dresses
And was never shy and kind.
And finally my father sighed:
Yours is a warrior's mind.
I was raised with lots of brothers
But some sisters were there, too
And the girls were never tired giggling:
"What is wrong with you?"
When my brothers started teasing me
About the path I chose,
I stopped the mocking quickly-
Broke my oldest brother's nose.
Maybe I'll never settle down
Maybe I'll never rest.
But believe me- that's the life I want:
The freest and the best!
I never looked for peace
as if I had known from the start:
Yeah, I'm a girl a that's god touched!
Sakor's flame burns in my heart!
My Mom grew really anxious,
For a man, I'd never find!
To a girl with manners like I had
No gent would ever bind!
You're too boyish and plainspoken
Much too wild and far too loud!
Won't you put that skirt on, Ahra?
Comb your hair! Make mother proud!
Women shall not fight, you say
But for your warrior queen you pray?
Not all of us are fragile
And we're smarter anyway!
My blood is pure adrenalin
When to battle I can ride.
Before I fade to ashes,
I'm determined to burn bright
Maybe I'll never settle down
Maybe I'll never rest.
But believe me--that's the life I want:
The freest and the best!
I never looked for peace
as if I had known from the start:
Yeah, I'm a girl a that's god touched!
Sakor's flame burns in my heart!
And when my promised queen arrives,
My battle cry will yell
Bilairy's Balls, I'll follow her
To heaven or to hell.
I have no fear of being hurt
I'll fight 'til my last breath
I'm gonna answer Sakors call
To glory and to death!
Maybe I'll never settle down
Maybe I'll never rest.
But believe me--that's the life I want:
The freest and the best!
I never looked for peace as if I had known from the start:
Yeah, I'm a girl a that's god touched!
Sakor's flame burns in my heart!
Lhel & Brother
Lhel & Brother (featuring Darkstar)
Skin I bind
Bone I bind
Your breath I steal
Leave fates entwined
But like the moon
Turns the tide
Must be revealed
What's locked inside.
Fates I carve
Spells I cast
Now take my life
Rest at last
(im Hintergrund weiter)
Wind is singing eveningsongs.
Child knows at last, where child belongs.
Now the pain and cold is past
Child is going home at last
Come to my fire warm and bright
Now its time: Bonds untied.
repeat; dabei Brother flüsternd:
My body's free, but I am not.
You stole my life - look, what I've got!
A murdered boy stripped of his skin
'cause you did use it for my kin.
A demons soul, consumed from hate.
As you were mine, I'll be your fate!
The one, who is to reign must live
I take, what's only yours to give.
But then I fail and air you gasp.
I have need to take the life, you grasp!
Never wanted cause you harm.
Craft wizards ways not mothers charm!
Brother im repeat:
You may pretend, you've done the right,
But for your own sake, you did fight!
The outcome justifies the deed?
But no one cared, what I would need!
Duke, wizard, witch--you had your way.
But now you have the price to pay.
Lhel zweistimmig:
Skin I bind
Bone I bind
Your breath I stole
Left fates entwined
But like the moon
Turned the tide
Has been revealed
What slept inside.
Bond did break
Spell stays cast.
Your first kiss
And my last.
Gleichzeitig Brother:
You need not ask me to forgive.
I will not die.
I did not live.
Skin I bind
Bone I bind
Your breath I steal
Leave fates entwined
But like the moon
Turns the tide
Must be revealed
What's locked inside.
Fates I carve
Spells I cast
Now take my life
Rest at last
(im Hintergrund weiter)
Wind is singing eveningsongs.
Child knows at last, where child belongs.
Now the pain and cold is past
Child is going home at last
Come to my fire warm and bright
Now its time: Bonds untied.
repeat; dabei Brother flüsternd:
My body's free, but I am not.
You stole my life - look, what I've got!
A murdered boy stripped of his skin
'cause you did use it for my kin.
A demons soul, consumed from hate.
As you were mine, I'll be your fate!
The one, who is to reign must live
I take, what's only yours to give.
But then I fail and air you gasp.
I have need to take the life, you grasp!
Never wanted cause you harm.
Craft wizards ways not mothers charm!
Brother im repeat:
You may pretend, you've done the right,
But for your own sake, you did fight!
The outcome justifies the deed?
But no one cared, what I would need!
Duke, wizard, witch--you had your way.
But now you have the price to pay.
Lhel zweistimmig:
Skin I bind
Bone I bind
Your breath I stole
Left fates entwined
But like the moon
Turned the tide
Has been revealed
What slept inside.
Bond did break
Spell stays cast.
Your first kiss
And my last.
Gleichzeitig Brother:
You need not ask me to forgive.
I will not die.
I did not live.
Tobin/Tamir: The Outer Me
The Outer Me
So quietly you've closed the door
And left my room towards your own...
You say, it's just to prevent gossip
And that I'd better sleep alone,
It seems as if my dream came true
In which you went away.
I never really dared to hope,
That someday, you would stay.
Oracle's queen is born at last
I tell the mirror and I cry,
I feel, the one, who's face I stole
Was not the only one to die.
Outside they call their new queen's name
still in the mirror, Tobin cries
Because the life he used to live
Was built of silly dreams and lies.
My own eyes in that strange, pale face
And Illior's crescent on my chin
Remind me, I'm just fortunes chessman
hidden warrior, bone doll's twin
I'm so frightened of that body;
of that girl, I'm asked to be
and most of all I fear, you'll leave
cause you can't stand the outer me.
I haven't changed at all!
Look behind that mask and see!
I haven't changed at all
What's changed is just the outer me!
They need me to fulfill their legend
But I still feel like a boy
Who's pressed into a womans shape,
And who feels just like a toy,
Like the wizards aimless dummy,
Like a puppet on a string.
And I wish, that you would stay
I wish that more, than anything.
Till yesterday I used to wonder,
when my beard would finally grow
Now I'm stuck inside a dress
Said to be someone, I don't know.
Your Tobin didn't go away
He's still hidden, deep inside.
You said, you'd follow me til death
Now look at me! I haven't died!
Don't think, that I'm not scared to death
I feel damn helpless and confused.
But I so wanted to trust in my friends
I learned too late, that I've been used.
And right now I cannot believe in love
Or anything, that's pure and true
I only know, my feelings haven't changed.
Not when it comes to you.
I haven't changed at all!
Look into my eyes and see!
I haven't changed at all
What's changed is just the outer me!
I wasn't taught to put a bodice on
They taught me, how to fight.
And I feel stupid, cause I pray
One day I'll be my squire's bride.
I need you to be by my side
Not just inside my castles wall
Tamír loves you, like Tobin did
I haven't changed at all.
I haven't changed at all!
Close your eyes -- your heart will see!
I haven't changed at all
What's changed is just the outer me!
So quietly you've closed the door
And left my room towards your own...
You say, it's just to prevent gossip
And that I'd better sleep alone,
It seems as if my dream came true
In which you went away.
I never really dared to hope,
That someday, you would stay.
Oracle's queen is born at last
I tell the mirror and I cry,
I feel, the one, who's face I stole
Was not the only one to die.
Outside they call their new queen's name
still in the mirror, Tobin cries
Because the life he used to live
Was built of silly dreams and lies.
My own eyes in that strange, pale face
And Illior's crescent on my chin
Remind me, I'm just fortunes chessman
hidden warrior, bone doll's twin
I'm so frightened of that body;
of that girl, I'm asked to be
and most of all I fear, you'll leave
cause you can't stand the outer me.
I haven't changed at all!
Look behind that mask and see!
I haven't changed at all
What's changed is just the outer me!
They need me to fulfill their legend
But I still feel like a boy
Who's pressed into a womans shape,
And who feels just like a toy,
Like the wizards aimless dummy,
Like a puppet on a string.
And I wish, that you would stay
I wish that more, than anything.
Till yesterday I used to wonder,
when my beard would finally grow
Now I'm stuck inside a dress
Said to be someone, I don't know.
Your Tobin didn't go away
He's still hidden, deep inside.
You said, you'd follow me til death
Now look at me! I haven't died!
Don't think, that I'm not scared to death
I feel damn helpless and confused.
But I so wanted to trust in my friends
I learned too late, that I've been used.
And right now I cannot believe in love
Or anything, that's pure and true
I only know, my feelings haven't changed.
Not when it comes to you.
I haven't changed at all!
Look into my eyes and see!
I haven't changed at all
What's changed is just the outer me!
I wasn't taught to put a bodice on
They taught me, how to fight.
And I feel stupid, cause I pray
One day I'll be my squire's bride.
I need you to be by my side
Not just inside my castles wall
Tamír loves you, like Tobin did
I haven't changed at all.
I haven't changed at all!
Close your eyes -- your heart will see!
I haven't changed at all
What's changed is just the outer me!
The Lightbearers Will (Iya's Farewell)
The Lightbearers Will
So there you are, my promised queen
At last the prophecy's fulfilled
And I so wanted you to come
For you alone I fought, I killed
I'm glad you are, what I have dreamed of
You're everything you have to be.
A foul taste in my mouth remains,
Because you have no faith in me...in me.
Your enemies will find out quickly,
There's a queen behind that girl
Even a blind man sees your power
Like the luster of a pearl
Now show me, queen of whom the bards sing
How we should have won that war
Without our weapons being pulled
Without the blood, the wound, the scar....the scar.
And the autumn smells like leaving
I sense winter on its chill
A narrow path leads us to destiny
May our fate be the Lightbearer's will.
Did you ever care to wonder
If I want to live that life
With not a single friend beside me
Always travel. Not arrive.
No, be sure, I didn't choose it
I was chosen chosen and I bend
My whole self to Illior's will
And my life is in his hand...till the end.
From my childhood I was sure
Illior would light my way
And if no-one would be with me
Even then my light would stay.
Please forgive me, for I really
Thought you would be strong enough
To face your fate; for you're the saviour,
Sent by our guardian from above...serve with love.
And the autumn smells like leaving
I sense winter on its chill
A stony road leads to your destiny
May your fate be the Lightbearer's will.
Do you really dare to think
Your load is heavier than mine?
My name's already forgotten,
Now the queen does rise and shine.
I don't pity, who I am
Nor all the joys, I've been denied
I just beg you: face your burden
And then carry it with pride!
And the autumn smells like leaving
I sense winter on its chill
A lonely road leads to my destiny
May my fate be the Lightbearer's will.
So there you are, my promised queen
At last the prophecy's fulfilled
And I so wanted you to come
For you alone I fought, I killed
I'm glad you are, what I have dreamed of
You're everything you have to be.
A foul taste in my mouth remains,
Because you have no faith in me...in me.
Your enemies will find out quickly,
There's a queen behind that girl
Even a blind man sees your power
Like the luster of a pearl
Now show me, queen of whom the bards sing
How we should have won that war
Without our weapons being pulled
Without the blood, the wound, the scar....the scar.
And the autumn smells like leaving
I sense winter on its chill
A narrow path leads us to destiny
May our fate be the Lightbearer's will.
Did you ever care to wonder
If I want to live that life
With not a single friend beside me
Always travel. Not arrive.
No, be sure, I didn't choose it
I was chosen chosen and I bend
My whole self to Illior's will
And my life is in his hand...till the end.
From my childhood I was sure
Illior would light my way
And if no-one would be with me
Even then my light would stay.
Please forgive me, for I really
Thought you would be strong enough
To face your fate; for you're the saviour,
Sent by our guardian from above...serve with love.
And the autumn smells like leaving
I sense winter on its chill
A stony road leads to your destiny
May your fate be the Lightbearer's will.
Do you really dare to think
Your load is heavier than mine?
My name's already forgotten,
Now the queen does rise and shine.
I don't pity, who I am
Nor all the joys, I've been denied
I just beg you: face your burden
And then carry it with pride!
And the autumn smells like leaving
I sense winter on its chill
A lonely road leads to my destiny
May my fate be the Lightbearer's will.
In My Dream (for Nalia)
In My Dream
I'm born to give the king an heir
And finally, my prince has come.
The taste of wine is on your breath
You didn't care to wash your face.
Not this time. Not at any time
You really cling to my embrace.
You come to me, cloaked by the night
And first you blow the candles out
And hasty fumblings banned from light
Are everything, our bond's about.
So that's the love, your wife deserves
What feels like cruel childrens scheme?
You come by night
Turn out the light
And I...I close my eyes
And dream.
Refrain I:
And in my dream I shine for you
And you...you hold me close.
Yes, in my dream I am the one
You want
The one you chose!
Oh, in my dream you love me
For the many things, I've got.
But only in my dream
I need not pay for what I'm not.
I never worried 'bout the flaw
The purple mark, disgracing me
Because the day my prince would come
It would be only me, he'd see
And I obey. I do, what I'm told
I'm going to carry out that task
I'll stay right here, locked in my room
But I so wish, someone would ask
If that's the life a queen deserves
To make her hide inside the shades
You look away
No word you say
And my illusion slowly fades
Refrain II:
But in my dream I look at you
And you smile back at me
Yes, in my dream, it's Nalia
And not the mark, you see
Yes, in my dream you save me
From the laughter of your friends
But that is just a dream.
It isn't, how my story ends.
And then, you're gone again and I
I find myself trapped in the dark
An empty bed and empty eyes
And all this just because I'm marked?
But there's my dream where you see ME
And not the beauty, that I lack
You see: there's more than meets the eye
And then you gladly kiss me back.
Refrain III:
And in my dream I think of you
As if you really cared
As if there ever had been more
Than just a bed we'd shared In dreams you face your demons
You don't just drown them in red wine
Only in my dreams
You see the flaw's not only mine.
I'm born to give the king an heir
And finally, my prince has come.
The taste of wine is on your breath
You didn't care to wash your face.
Not this time. Not at any time
You really cling to my embrace.
You come to me, cloaked by the night
And first you blow the candles out
And hasty fumblings banned from light
Are everything, our bond's about.
So that's the love, your wife deserves
What feels like cruel childrens scheme?
You come by night
Turn out the light
And I...I close my eyes
And dream.
Refrain I:
And in my dream I shine for you
And you...you hold me close.
Yes, in my dream I am the one
You want
The one you chose!
Oh, in my dream you love me
For the many things, I've got.
But only in my dream
I need not pay for what I'm not.
I never worried 'bout the flaw
The purple mark, disgracing me
Because the day my prince would come
It would be only me, he'd see
And I obey. I do, what I'm told
I'm going to carry out that task
I'll stay right here, locked in my room
But I so wish, someone would ask
If that's the life a queen deserves
To make her hide inside the shades
You look away
No word you say
And my illusion slowly fades
Refrain II:
But in my dream I look at you
And you smile back at me
Yes, in my dream, it's Nalia
And not the mark, you see
Yes, in my dream you save me
From the laughter of your friends
But that is just a dream.
It isn't, how my story ends.
And then, you're gone again and I
I find myself trapped in the dark
An empty bed and empty eyes
And all this just because I'm marked?
But there's my dream where you see ME
And not the beauty, that I lack
You see: there's more than meets the eye
And then you gladly kiss me back.
Refrain III:
And in my dream I think of you
As if you really cared
As if there ever had been more
Than just a bed we'd shared In dreams you face your demons
You don't just drown them in red wine
Only in my dreams
You see the flaw's not only mine.
Tamír: A Lifetime's Not Enough (Tamír's Wedding Song)
Tamír: A Lifetime's Not Enough
When I needed you, you were the brother
My real brother could never be
And it was you, who has taught me to laugh
You were the first, who ever really looked at ME.
You were right beside me, the friend for whom to find
Every little boy would pray
And in all those years we shared, since we met
You saved my life in every, every way
Bridge 1:
When I felt so lost and alone, you were there
You'd be my strength, when I would drown in despair
Refrain 1:
And it is time, I layed my past down at your feet, today
I guess, you always knew, that all of me was yours.
Now, there is nothing left but joy
And all my fear is cast aside
So here I stand
I'm here to be your bride
You were the squire I chose. My one companion
Who'd share all my hopes and my fears
You were my faith and the shoulder to cry on
The one who'd wipe away all my tears.
In my heart, I tried to hide just one secret
From you, who knew me down to the core:
Friendship and brotherhood, Tobin held dear
But Tamír always wanted much more.
Bridge 2:
In all the confusion that I have been through
Whenever I needed someone, there was you!
Refrain 2:
And here I am to lay my present at your feet, today
I want to tell you, that it always has been you
Right now I'm lost inside your eyes
And I am blinded by their light
I want to tell the world, I'm here
To be your bride
Bridge 3:
And gladly I promise my lifetime to you,
My lover, my consort, my king.
Forever I'll hold you dearest,
My all, my world, my everything.
Together, let's sail cross the ocean of life,
May the sea be calm or rough
The only thing, I'm afraid of is,
That a lifetime might not be enough.
Bridge 4:
When no one will be there to love you, I will
When the lives we lived turned to dust, I'll love you still
Refrain 3:
So look at me! I lay my future at your feet today
My soul sings songs, I didn't dare to hope, I knew
And I embrace the days to come, my love
My arms are open wide
Oh lucky me
Today I'm here to be your bride.
When I needed you, you were the brother
My real brother could never be
And it was you, who has taught me to laugh
You were the first, who ever really looked at ME.
You were right beside me, the friend for whom to find
Every little boy would pray
And in all those years we shared, since we met
You saved my life in every, every way
Bridge 1:
When I felt so lost and alone, you were there
You'd be my strength, when I would drown in despair
Refrain 1:
And it is time, I layed my past down at your feet, today
I guess, you always knew, that all of me was yours.
Now, there is nothing left but joy
And all my fear is cast aside
So here I stand
I'm here to be your bride
You were the squire I chose. My one companion
Who'd share all my hopes and my fears
You were my faith and the shoulder to cry on
The one who'd wipe away all my tears.
In my heart, I tried to hide just one secret
From you, who knew me down to the core:
Friendship and brotherhood, Tobin held dear
But Tamír always wanted much more.
Bridge 2:
In all the confusion that I have been through
Whenever I needed someone, there was you!
Refrain 2:
And here I am to lay my present at your feet, today
I want to tell you, that it always has been you
Right now I'm lost inside your eyes
And I am blinded by their light
I want to tell the world, I'm here
To be your bride
Bridge 3:
And gladly I promise my lifetime to you,
My lover, my consort, my king.
Forever I'll hold you dearest,
My all, my world, my everything.
Together, let's sail cross the ocean of life,
May the sea be calm or rough
The only thing, I'm afraid of is,
That a lifetime might not be enough.
Bridge 4:
When no one will be there to love you, I will
When the lives we lived turned to dust, I'll love you still
Refrain 3:
So look at me! I lay my future at your feet today
My soul sings songs, I didn't dare to hope, I knew
And I embrace the days to come, my love
My arms are open wide
Oh lucky me
Today I'm here to be your bride.